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B.A. (Hons), University of Toronto, 2012
M.A., University of Toronto, 2013
J.D., University of Ottawa, 2017

Professional Associations & Memberships

Member, Law Society of British Columbia
Member, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
Member, Canadian Bar Association
Member-at-large, Canadian Bar Association, Aboriginal Law, Vancouver Section Executive

Accreditations, Certifications & Continuing Education

Certificate in International Law, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2021


Volunteer: Canadian Blood Services
Past: Refugee Sponsorship Support Program

James Floros

Legal Counsel

Tel: 604-620-1645
Fax: 604-620-1646

James is based in Rana Law ’s Vancouver office. He provides a broad range of legal services to First Nations, including negotiating Specific Claims, complex treaty implementation initiatives and providing strategic advice on the duty to consult and aboriginal and treaty rights. James supports First Nations working to enhance jurisdiction over their traditional lands and resources through the negotiation of government-to-government agreements, consultation protocols, expanding the Indigenous land base and advancing the articles of UNDRIP. He also negotiates and implements commercial agreements on behalf of First Nations with industry proponents.

James works diligently to learn about the culture and history of his clients and to build longstanding relationships with Indigenous communities based on trust.

Prior to joining Rana Law, James articled with Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General and Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. In his final year of law school James interned with the Specific Claims Tribunal in Ottawa.

Before law, James’s academic and professional work centered on studying Indigenous history. He completed a master’s degree in history analyzing the parallels between Canadian policies applied to Indigenous peoples and Apartheid in South Africa.